Courtesy Visit in Nagasaki: Governor OISHI Kengo

On August 8, 2024, Ambassador Rachad Bouhlal paid a courtesy visit to Mr. OISHI Kengo, Governor of Nagasaki Prefecture.
Courtesy Visit in Nagasaki: Governor OISHI Kengo

This visit was held alongside the Ambassador’s attendance at the Celebration of Peace in Nagasaki.

During the meeting, the discussions focused on opportunities for strengthening and expanding cooperation between Morocco and Nagasaki Prefecture across various fields.

The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr. SOTOMA Hiroshi, Honorary Consul of Morocco in Nagasaki. The establishment of an Honorary Consulate in Nagasaki, in February 2018, highlights Morocco’s commitment to fostering long-term cooperation and advancing shared interests with Nagasaki across a range of sectors, such as tourism, culture, and education.

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